Topic: Speed Up Invoice Entry

A speedy entry of an invoice requires an easy user friendly process of adding new customer without living the invoice screen in first place. Furthermore, many businesses have individual customers; no branching is required. Being forced to enter a Customer Branch is a nuisance for users. I highly recommend FA to implement a popup dialog with a simple New Customer Form, save the data with AJAX call and fill Invoice Entry screen using DHTML. As far as Customer Branch the Company Setup should have the option to simply Enable or Disable it. Please let us know if and when you would implement such functionality. Thank you!

Re: Speed Up Invoice Entry

And I mean Quote/Sales Order/Direct Delivery/Invoice entry.

Re: Speed Up Invoice Entry

I am surrised nobody has weighed in on this issue. I don't think a popup is the answer but there should be a link on the

mdutra555 wrote:

Quote/Sales Order/Direct Delivery/Invoice entry.

screens that open the And and Manage Customer screen.

Tclim has posted some code to auto-add the customer branch which goes some way towards fixing what you want on another thread.

I've just thought of a way to fix the auto add customer branch issue so I'll post it in the other thread.

I also think it would be good to have some links on the Customer and branch maintenance screens to open up the Transaction History pages filtered for that customer as I am forever jumping around to sort out simple things.

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: Speed Up Invoice Entry

The auto add customer branch is implemented in the HG Repository to go into next minor release.

Maybe we could have the transactions in the bottom of the screen if a link is pressed?


Re: Speed Up Invoice Entry

joe wrote:

The auto add customer branch is implemented in the HG Repository to go into next minor release.

Maybe we could have the transactions in the bottom of the screen if a link is pressed?


Joe, you know the code base so whatever is easiest when considering the discussion on the other "Customer Branch??" thread. If you implemented the sales totals for each fiscal year I suggested, clicking on a link beside the fiscal year could list the transactions here but this implies you'd probably only see invoices so you might also need to include a link to the transaction screen anyway just in case you were looking for a delivery or sales order.


Brisbane, QLD, Australia

6 (edited by mdutra555 10/31/2011 05:52:33 pm)

Re: Speed Up Invoice Entry

Hello Joe,

I've been waiting for an answer to my request for an AJAX popup to add New Customer while entering an Invoice. A simple yes/no is sufficient. If FA Devep Team is not implementing this feature I will. I just don’t want to duplicate effort.

Thank you,

Mauro Dutra

Re: Speed Up Invoice Entry

Please use the F2 key for this while in one of the document forms.


Re: Speed Up Invoice Entry

Thanks Joe!