1 (edited by nnnn2011 10/18/2011 08:34:59 pm)

Topic: Cant login after installing FA mobile plugin

Hi all,
I installed the FA mobile plugin, but for some reason I now cannot login under my administrator account (I only have the one account). I have reset the administrator password using the MD5 method in the database, but i still cant login with the default password 'password'. any ideas or next steps, the FA mobile plugin claimed that the 3 files it was overwriting would not affect my installation. I do have a backup of before I updated with the plugin, but of course I cant access FA to restore the backup.

thanks in advance....

Re: Cant login after installing FA mobile plugin

Hi nnnn2011,

  I  am the owner of this FA mobile Edition. Please let me know what version of FA you are currently running? I have submitted 2 version of FA to this forums which covers:

  1) FA Mobile Edition for - V2.3.4 / 2.3.5
  2) FA Mobile Edition for - V2.3.6 / 2.3.7

  But when I try to downloads from Downloads page, https://frontaccounting.com/wbt/pages/d … se-2.3.php. It only have 1 files fa_mobile_236_237.zip. These mean that you are only allowed to use it in newest version of FA. Maybe Joe need to somehow let the visitors to downloads another previous version for FA Mobile Edition V 2.3.4 / 2.3.5.

Please let me know your server information and also FA version. Thanks You.



Re: Cant login after installing FA mobile plugin

Hi tclim

Server details are:
Server version: 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.10
Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
MySQL client version: 5.1.41

FA installation is Version 2.3.5
FA_Mobile installation is from this page https://frontaccounting.com/wbt/pages/posts/frontaccounting-mobile-edition174.php which I believe is version 2.3 and states it is compatible with FA 2.3.4, 2.3.5 and 2.3.6.


Re: Cant login after installing FA mobile plugin

Hi nnnn2011,
  Since you are running FA Version 2.3.5. The current latest version in FA downloads section only show latest version which is supported by FA Version 2.3.6 and 2.3.7. Please downloads directly from my site. It FREE don't worry.


Please redeploy into your server again. Thanks You.

Your Sincerely,

Tee Chert

5 (edited by nnnn2011 10/19/2011 12:38:43 pm)

Re: Cant login after installing FA mobile plugin

Hi Tee,I tried redeploying from the link you gave but still had the same problem. However, browsing through the forum I came accross a similar thread with login problems. I used the files in the last post of that thread and it worked I can now login to fa and fa_mobile. Thanks for your help and youre work on FA_mobile its a nice plugin

Re: Cant login after installing FA mobile plugin

Hi nnnn2011,

  If you are running oldest version of FA 2.3.5, the authentication was encrypted with MD5 before passing to FA. Due to I have submitted another plugin for LDAP authentication. FA team have change the authentication by using the plain text password. This may cause an errors if you deployed our FA Mobile Edition Version 2.3.6 and above into your OLD FA Version 2.3.5.

  To solved your problem, you MUST downloads FA Mobile Edition version 2.3.5. You cannot re-deployed the new version since the authentication will not be able to authenticate. Kindly deploy our FA Mobile Edition with the correct FA version. It will solved the authentication issued. Hope you are clear.

