1 (edited by jonathan46 09/23/2011 08:57:39 pm)

Topic: My fiscal year is not a callender year. How do I set it up?

I have set it to use a dummy year, just before my starting period, but It won't delete any of the later years so I can enter the dates I need.
I have tried a fresh install so there are no entries anywhere.

Has any one done this?

Re: My fiscal year is not a callender year. How do I set it up?

Have you read about fiscal years in the Wiki, https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki ?


Re: My fiscal year is not a callender year. How do I set it up?

Yes I have, but it won't let me change or delete any years after the dummy year.

Re: My fiscal year is not a callender year. How do I set it up?

There is a lot of safety included in these routines to avoid errors.
If you know you have no transactions entered yet, you can change the fiscal years by using phpMyAdmin - 0_fiscal_years table.


Re: My fiscal year is not a callender year. How do I set it up?

Thanks Joe. That worked a treat.
