1 (edited by civil777 09/19/2011 07:18:28 pm)

Topic: View outstanding supplier balances?

Is there a way to view the outstanding supplier balances for all suppliers so that payments to the suppliers can be made? 

Right now, I go to Purchases>Payments to Suppliers, and then I have to select suppliers one by one to find out how much I owe them and then submit the payment.  I waste time doing this because many of my suppliers have no outstanding balance.  It would be better if all suppliers with an outstanding balance were displayed in a table and I could select the supplier and submit the payment.

Re: View outstanding supplier balances?

Good idea. We will add links to payment page in Customer/Supplier Allocation Inquiry.

Re: View outstanding supplier balances?

That would be great.  Thanks!

Re: View outstanding supplier balances?

it looks very good. Thanks smile