Topic: list_updated

list_updated works great on lists.
Is there some function available for input updates???

Can't find it. Maybe, I'm kinda blind!?!?


Re: list_updated

No, there is no special helper for input updates, but you can still react to input field changes if you use $submit_on_change parameter in e.g. text_row() helper. For example, if you have text input named 'sample', you have to observe $_POST['_sample_changed'] in page request, which is send after the input field value change.

Re: list_updated

Sorry for being late....
Does it work with qty_cells also?

Re: list_updated

No. Look into includes/ file. HEre you will find submit_on_change parameter in some ui helpers - those are optionally activated on content change. But this should not be big problem for you to implement such field, if you need it  in your code smile.

Re: list_updated

OK, i'll try... smile