1 (edited by ericta 08/31/2011 03:27:41 pm)

Topic: view phone number on quotation or sales order


Is there anyway to show customer's phone number on sales order?

Thank you

Re: view phone number on quotation or sales order

By changing the file /reporting/header2.inc you could put the phone number of the customers as well.


Re: view phone number on quotation or sales order

Hi Joe,

I don't have header2.inc under my /reporting folder!!


Re: view phone number on quotation or sales order

Sorry, here is the correct folder:


Re: view phone number on quotation or sales order

wow, this is beyong me!!
a hint please or is there a help forum I should post to?

Thank you very much

Re: view phone number on quotation or sales order

The easiest way for you would be to make a few new lines after the address field and then the phone number last in the address field of the customer.


Re: view phone number on quotation or sales order

thank you.