Topic: Does debtor_ref need to be unique?

Hi guys,
I've been reading post and have a similar problem with debtor_ref being unique.
I'm importing customers from Zen Cart using zen_import and noticed that if 2 customers have the same name, the import assumes they are the same person.
After a bit of digging I realised it is because debtor_ref on the debtors_master file must be unique.

I know we definitely have separate customers that happen to have the same name so my question is simply, if I remove the uniqueness of debtor_ref using MyphpAdmin, will that cause an issue?

Thanks for your help!

Re: Does debtor_ref need to be unique?

Well, I guess all should work right, however it is not very handy to have multiply customers with the same reference. The references are used in customer selector, so they should be meaningful enough for easy customer selection in entry forms.

Re: Does debtor_ref need to be unique?

Thanks Janusz,
From what I could see, when I select a customer it pulls the address into the form form me so I should be able to tell if I have the right one or not, but I haven't explored the whole of FA yet so there could be places where that doesn't happen!

If it gets a problem I could always make the debtor ref unique manually but at least changing to non-unique will allow me to import all my customers from my cart smile

Thanks a lot for your help!