1 (edited by Towhid 10/02/2010 12:10:19 pm)

Topic: OpenSSL PHP issue

Dear Sir

I'm using Apache2triad 1.5.4 in my localhost.
During installation frontaccount-2.3RC1 it prompts me "OpenSSL PHP extension have to be enabled to use extension repository system" message at Extensions system  in Step 1: System Diagnostics

How can i fix it with my server?

Thank you

Re: OpenSSL PHP issue

See openssl extension information in php manual:

Re: OpenSSL PHP issue

in php.ini file,


consider: wamp server,php5.2

4 (edited by s300pmu1 02/22/2011 09:04:20 pm)

Re: OpenSSL PHP issue

Same problem. I'm installing FA on the latest wamp, but it's the same stuff with SSL error as in the first post.
- did as suggested with changing php.ini
- would like to read the manual linked above, but its 404
- remember reading some cryptic stuff re installing Win32OpenSSL-1_0_0c.exe, generating certificates or smth like that, even followed it, to no avail
- looked all over the web for solution to installing FA on WAMP

Could anyone help me out?

Re: OpenSSL PHP issue

PHP manual for OpenSSLhas been moved here .

Re: OpenSSL PHP issue

Thank you. It's too geekspeak for me, though.
So unless I find any human-parsable instructions on how to resolve the SSL error under WAMP I'm gonna give up on trying to use FA. Pity.

Re: OpenSSL PHP issue


can someone please give a step-by-step instruction how to solve this?
The PHP manual does not bring me much further.

I have re-installed xampp for windows (v1.7.4) and FA 2.3.2 on W7
On previous installations I did not have this issue.

Thanks for zour help!


Re: OpenSSL PHP issue

FA 2.3.6
Appserv 2.5.9

To start installation gives this error:

OpenSSL PHP extension     OpenSSL PHP extension have to be enabled to use extension repository system.

Thanks for  help!

Test     Test type     Value     Comments
PHP version >=4.3.3     Required     5.2.3     Ok
PHP MySQL extension     Required     Yes     Ok
Server system     Info     WINNT     Ok
Database auth file     Required     ../config_db.php     Ok
Main config file     Required     ../config.php     Ok
Company subdirectories consistency     Required     ../company/0/*
../company/0/*/js_cache     Ok
Language configuration consistency     Required         Ok
Temporary directory     Required     ../tmp     Ok
Session save path     Info     C:/DOCUME~1/User/CONFIG~1/temp     Ok
Extensions system     Required     ../installed_extensions.php
OpenSSL PHP extension     OpenSSL PHP extension have to be enabled to use extension repository system.

Re: OpenSSL PHP issue

We are investigating the problem in this thread: https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=2305.