Topic: Sales Order View showing DN and INV of an year old order

Hi Guys,

Something very strange happened, a new sales order is showing invoices and delivery notes linked to it from an order that is an year old.

See image

The sales order created in Nov 2020 is showing associated invoices from Aug and Sep 2019. Also a delivery note is associated that is from Aug 2019. All these irrelevant linked documents/transactions belong to another customer they are not even from the same customer.

I was on 2.4.4 and I updated it to the latest 2.4.8 release thinking that it might fix it, but no luck. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix this issue?

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Re: Sales Order View showing DN and INV of an year old order

Looks like some primary keys got mangled or indexes are corrupt. Diagnose and fix DB errors in phpMyAdmin or other MySQL client. Also the next auto_increment key may have got jumped.