Topic: Missing / faulty information on a Purchase order

After creating an purchase order, the information showed contains some little faults.

1. The Ordernumber in the top right corner is the actual database order ID but since we are using a custom reference (for example 20090008). We would expect this custom reference number to be shown here, since its a link to our # accountancy.

2. Our Ref. Your VAT No. Our Order No and Due Date are left empty...

(I just failed to login into Mantis so i post it here...)

Re: Missing / faulty information on a Purchase order

Fixed in CVS 2.2 unstable so reference no is printed on QUOTE/SO/INV/CRE/PO instead of trans_no if global variable in config.php, $print_invoice_no = 0 (default). Affected files /reporting/includes/ and /reporting/includes/ Will be included in 2.2 final.

2. These are pre-printed per default, but not filled. It looks bad with enpty strings and while there are no data nothing to take care of.
