Topic: Problem with supplier invoice transaction date
I upgraded to 2.4.6 having operated frontaccounting for a number of years without problems. I now find that the supplier invoice file isn't picking up an altered transaction date.
So for example - current date : 21/08/2019 which is in my tax year started 01/06/2019 to 31/05/2020
Date of transaction I wish to enter 08/05/2019 in my previous tax year 01/06/2018 to 31/05/2019 - set to active
both tax years open - and SA_MULTIFISCALYEARS set enabled.
The transaction entry fails with "The entered date is out of fiscal year or is closed for further data entry."
having added some debug I find that the transaction date being picked up is 21/08/2019 NOT 08/05/2019... which fails the test "correctly" as it isn't in the active year.
I wonder how this problem can be rectified?
Help ??
Thanks in anticipation.