1 (edited by poncho1234 05/25/2019 04:04:17 pm)

Topic: Add stamp or watermark to reports on the fly – ad hoc. V2

Another way; but with a lot less changes to core:-

Add a third file to merge in \reporting\includes\pdf_report.inc

--- \reporting\includes\pdf_report ORIGINAL.inc
+++ \reporting\includes\pdf_report.inc
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
     var $footerEnable;  // select whether to print a page footer or not
     var $footerText;  // store user-generated footer text
     var $headerTmpl;  // store the name of the currently selected header template
+    var $sheaderTmpl;
     var $tmplSize; // pdf header template size in pages
     var $rep_id;
@@ -944,8 +945,17 @@
+        // include related php file if any
+        $stmpl_php = find_custom_file("/reporting/forms/".$this->sheaderTmpl."watermark.php");
+        if ($stmpl_php) {
+            include($stmpl_php);
+        }
         if (method_exists($this, $this->headerTmpl))    // draw predefined page layout if any
+        if (method_exists($this, $this->sheaderTmpl))    // draw predefined page layout if any
+            $this->{$this->sheaderTmpl}();
     function End($email=0, $subject='') 

Add a link for a popup window in \reporting\includes\reports_classes.inc

--- \reporting\includes\reports_classes ORIGINAL.inc
+++ \reporting\includes\reports_classes.inc
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
                         false, '', $SysPrefs->pdf_debug ? false : 'default process') . hidden('REP_ID', $report->id, false).'<br><br>';
                     $st_params .= $this->getOptions($report->get_controls(), $report->id);
                     $st_params .= "\n<input type=hidden name='Class' value=".$cur_class.">"
-                        ."\n</form></td></tr></table>\n";
+                        ."\n".label_cell(viewer_link(_('Add Watermark/Stamp'), 'reporting/includes/watermark_form.php?popup=1'))."</form></td></tr></table>\n";
                     $Ajax->addUpdate(true, 'rep_form', $st_params);
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
             $st_reports .= "</table>";
+        $_SESSION["watermark"][0] = 0;
         $st_params = "<div id='rep_form'>".

No more changes to core files

Create a file called \reporting\forms\watermark.php

if ($_SESSION["watermark"][0] == 1) {
    $wm_text = $_SESSION["watermark"][1];
    $wm_color = $_SESSION["watermark"][2];
    $wm_font_size = $_SESSION["watermark"][3];
    $wm_setx = $_SESSION["watermark"][4];
    $wm_sety = $_SESSION["watermark"][5];
    $wm_rotate = $_SESSION["watermark"][6];
    $wm_alpha = $_SESSION["watermark"][7];

    $this->SetFont('','B', $wm_font_size);
    $this->MultiCell(0,10, $wm_text,0,'C',0,1,0,0);
    $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
    $this->SetFont('','B', 9);

Create a file called \reporting\includes\watermark_form.php

$page_security = 'SA_OPEN';

include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
$js = "";
page(_($help_context = "Add Watermark or Stamp"), @$_REQUEST['popup'], false, "", $js);

include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");


function html_type_input_cells_ex($label, $input_type, $name, $min, $max, $step, $init=null, $title=null,
    $labparams=null, $post_label=null, $submit_on_change=false)
    global $Ajax;

    if (!isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name] == "")
        if ($init)
            $_POST[$name] = $init;
            $_POST[$name] = "";
    if ($label != null)
        label_cell($label, $labparams);

    echo "<td>";
    $class = $submit_on_change ? 'class="searchbox"' : '';
    echo "<input $class type=\"$input_type\" name=\"$name\" min=\"$min\" max=\"$max\" step=\"$step\" value=\"" . $_POST[$name]. "\""
     .($title ? " title='$title'": '')." >";

    if ($post_label)
        echo " " . $post_label;

    echo "</td>\n";
    $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $_POST[$name]);

function html_type_input_row_ex($label, $input_type, $name, $min, $max, $step, $title=null, $value=null, $params=null, $post_label=null)
    echo "<tr><td class='label'>$label</td>";
    html_type_input_cells_ex(null, $input_type, $name, $min, $max, $step, $value, $title, $params, $post_label);

    echo "</tr>\n";

function can_process()
    if (strlen($_POST['wm_text']) == 0) 
        display_error(_("The Watermark/Stamp Text cannot be empty."));
        return false;

    if (!preg_match('/#([a-f0-9]{3}){1,2}\b/i', $_POST['wm_color']))
        display_error(_("The input value - ".$_POST['wm_color']." is not a valid HTML colour. Input required #000 - #fff OR #000000 - #ffffff"));
        return false;

    if (!check_num('wm_font_size', 4, 96)) 
        display_error(_("The font size must be between 4 and 96."));
        return false;

    if (!check_num('wm_setx', 1, 200))
        display_error(_("Start Point from Left must be between 1 and 200."));
        return false;

    if (!check_num('wm_sety', 200, 612))
        display_error(_("Start Point from Top must be between 200 and 612."));
        return false;

    if (!check_num('wm_rotate', 1, 360))
        display_error(_("Rotation angle must be between 1 and 360."));
        return false;

    if (!check_num('wm_alpha', 0.05, 1))
        display_error(_("Transparency must be between 0.05 and 1 in steps of 0.05."));
        return false;

    return true;

// unset($_SESSION['watermark']);// fixit TESTING ONLY
if(isset($_SESSION["watermark"][1]) && ($_SESSION["watermark"][1]) != '') {
    $wm_on = $_SESSION["watermark"][0];
    $wm_text  = $_SESSION["watermark"][1];
    $wm_color = $_SESSION["watermark"][2];
    $wm_font_size = $_SESSION["watermark"][3];
    $wm_setx = $_SESSION["watermark"][4];
    $wm_sety = $_SESSION["watermark"][5];
    $wm_rotate = $_SESSION["watermark"][6];
    $wm_alpha = $_SESSION["watermark"][7];
} else {
    $wm_text = '';
    $wm_color = '#dddddd';
    $wm_font_size = '48';
    $wm_setx = '30';
    $wm_sety = '550';
    $wm_rotate = '45';
    $wm_alpha = '.5';

$def = get_post(array('wm_text', 'wm_color', 'wm_font_size', 'wm_setx', 'wm_sety', 'wm_rotate', 'wm_alpha'));

$_POST['wm_text'] = $def["wm_text"];
$_POST['wm_color'] = $def["wm_color"];
$_POST['wm_font_size'] = $def["wm_font_size"];
$_POST['wm_setx'] = $def["wm_setx"];
$_POST['wm_sety'] = $def["wm_sety"];
$_POST['wm_rotate'] = $def["wm_rotate"];
$_POST['wm_alpha'] = $def["wm_alpha"];



check_row(_("Turn Off Color Picker"), 'color_input', null, true);
$cp_toggle = isset($_POST['color_input']) ? intval($_POST['color_input']) : 0;
if (!$cp_toggle) {
    $typecolor = 'color';
    $input_html_text = '&nbsp';
} else {
    $typecolor = 'text';
    $input_html_text = '#000 - #fff OR #000000 - #ffffff';



table_section_title(_("Quick Settings"));

textarea_row(_("Watermark/Stamp Text:"), 'wm_text', $wm_text, 35, 3);
html_type_input_row_ex(_("Watermark/Stamp Colour:"), $typecolor, 'wm_color', 4, 7, '', '', $wm_color, null, $input_html_text);

table_section_title(_("Position & Visibility Settings"));

html_type_input_row_ex(_("Font Size:"), 'number', 'wm_font_size', 4, 96, '', '', $wm_font_size, null, _("pt (point): 4 - 96"));
html_type_input_row_ex(_("Start Point from Left:"), 'number', 'wm_setx', 1, 400, '', '', $wm_setx, null, _("pt (point): 1 - 400"));
html_type_input_row_ex(_("Start Point from Top:"), 'number', 'wm_sety', 200, 612, '', '', $wm_sety, null, _("pt (point): 200 - 612"));
html_type_input_row_ex(_("Rotation Angle:"), 'number', 'wm_rotate', 1, 360, '', '', $wm_rotate, null, _("Degrees: 1 - 360"));
html_type_input_row_ex(_("Transparency:"), 'number', 'wm_alpha', 0.05, 1, 0.05, '', $wm_alpha, null, _("Transparency: 0.05 - 1"));

if (isset($_POST['submit']) && can_process()) {
    $wm_on = 1;
    $wm_text = ($_POST['wm_text']);
    $wm_color = ($_POST['wm_color']);
    $wm_font_size = ($_POST['wm_font_size']);
    $wm_setx = ($_POST['wm_setx']);
    $wm_sety = ($_POST['wm_sety']);
    $wm_rotate = ($_POST['wm_rotate']);
    $wm_alpha = ($_POST['wm_alpha']);
    $wm_array=array($wm_on, $wm_text, $wm_color, $wm_font_size, $wm_setx, $wm_sety, $wm_rotate, $wm_alpha);
    display_notification(_("Watermark/Stamp has been added, now close window and print report."));


submit_center('submit', _("Add Watermark/Stamp"), true, '', 'default');

// submit_center('submit', _("Add Watermark/Stamp"), true, _("Add Watermark/Stamp"), 'selector'); // fixit does not work
// echo "<pre>";
// print_r ($_SESSION);
// echo "<pre>";

1.    I cannot get popup window to close by using the submit button; currently you have close window or press ‘Back’ after pressing submit button.
2.    Previous settings are retained for session life, so will return to ‘default’ on next login .
3.    Will work for ALL reports including extensions.
4.    Existing header, header2 .php & .pdf if present still merge.
Demo here
username: demo
Password: password



The FrontAccounting Wiki(Manual, examples, tips, setup info, links to accounting sites, etc) https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/

Re: Add stamp or watermark to reports on the fly – ad hoc. V2

I have added this to my portal. Thanks @poncho1234


Re: Add stamp or watermark to reports on the fly – ad hoc. V2

@joe: good for the core?