Topic: How to Add Column Undefined property ?
i followed the wiki on how to How to Add Column why can't i add just one simple input text in this page ?
Undefined property: Cart::$From in file: C:\xampp\htdocs\erp-1\sales\sales_order_entry.php at line 322
Undefined property: Cart::$From in file: C:\xampp\htdocs\erp-1\sales\includes\ui\ at line 585
function copy_from_cart()
$cart = &$_SESSION['Items'];
$_POST['ref'] = $cart->reference;
$_POST['Comments'] = $cart->Comments;$_POST['OrderDate'] = $cart->document_date;
$_POST['delivery_date'] = $cart->due_date;
$_POST['cust_ref'] = $cart->cust_ref;
$_POST['freight_cost'] = price_format($cart->freight_cost);$_POST['From'] = $cart->From;
$_POST['deliver_to'] = $cart->deliver_to;
$_POST['delivery_address'] = $cart->delivery_address;
$_POST['phone'] = $cart->phone;
$_POST['Location'] = $cart->Location;
$_POST['ship_via'] = $cart->ship_via;$_POST['customer_id'] = $cart->customer_id;
$_POST['branch_id'] = $cart->Branch;
$_POST['sales_type'] = $cart->sales_type;
// POS
$_POST['payment'] = $cart->payment;
if ($cart->trans_type!=ST_SALESORDER && $cart->trans_type!=ST_SALESQUOTE) { // 2008-11-12 Joe Hunt
$_POST['dimension_id'] = $cart->dimension_id;
$_POST['dimension2_id'] = $cart->dimension2_id;
$_POST['cart_id'] = $cart->cart_id;
$_POST['_ex_rate'] = $cart->ex_rate;
function add_sales_order(&$order)
global $SysPrefs, $path_to_root, $Refs;begin_transaction();
hook_db_prewrite($order, $order->trans_type);
$order_no = get_next_trans_no($order->trans_type);
$del_date = date2sql($order->due_date);
$order_type = 0; // this is default on new order
$total = $order->get_trans_total();
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."sales_orders (order_no, type, debtor_no, trans_type, branch_code, customer_ref, reference, comments, ord_date,
order_type, ship_via, deliver_to, delivery_address, From, contact_phone,
freight_cost, from_stk_loc, delivery_date, payment_terms, total, prep_amount)
VALUES (" .db_escape($order_no) . "," .db_escape($order_type) . "," . db_escape($order->customer_id) .
", " .db_escape($order->trans_type) . "," .db_escape($order->Branch) . ", ".
db_escape($order->cust_ref) .",".
db_escape($order->reference) .",".
db_escape($order->Comments) .",'" .
date2sql($order->document_date) . "', " .
db_escape($order->sales_type) . ", " .
db_escape($order->ship_via)."," .
db_escape($order->deliver_to) . "," .
db_escape($order->From) . "," .
db_escape($order->delivery_address) . ", " .
db_escape($order->phone) . ", " .
db_escape($order->freight_cost) .", " .
db_escape($order->Location) .", " .
db_escape($del_date) . "," .
db_escape($order->payment) . "," .
db_escape($total) . "," .
db_query($sql, "order Cannot be Added");$order->trans_no = array($order_no=>0);
if ($loc_notification == 1)
include_once($path_to_root . "/inventory/includes/");
$st_ids = array();
$st_names = array();
$st_num = array();
$st_reorder = array();
foreach ($order->line_items as $line)
if ($loc_notification == 1 && is_inventory_item($line->stock_id))
$loc = calculate_reorder_level($order->Location, $line, $st_ids, $st_names, $st_num, $st_reorder);$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."sales_order_details (order_no, trans_type, stk_code, description, unit_price, quantity, discount_percent) VALUES (";
$sql .= $order_no . ",".$order->trans_type .
",".db_escape($line->stock_id).", "
.db_escape($line->item_description).", $line->price,
db_query($sql, "order Details Cannot be Added");// Now mark quotation line as processed
if ($order->trans_type == ST_SALESORDER && $line->src_id)
update_parent_line(ST_SALESORDER, $line->src_id, $line->qty_dispatched); // clear all the quote despite all or the part was ordered
} /* inserted line items into sales order details */
add_audit_trail($order->trans_type, $order_no, $order->document_date);
$Refs->save($order->trans_type, $order_no, $order->reference);hook_db_postwrite($order, $order->trans_type);
commit_transaction();if ($loc_notification == 1 && count($st_ids) > 0)
send_reorder_email($loc, $st_ids, $st_names, $st_num, $st_reorder);
return $order_no;
function display_delivery_details(&$order)
global $Ajax;div_start('delivery');
if ($order->payment_terms['cash_sale']) { // Direct payment sale
display_heading(_('Cash payment'));
start_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width='60%'");locations_list_row(_("Deliver from Location:"), 'Location', null, false, true);
if (list_updated('Location'))
label_row(_("Cash account:"), $order->pos['bank_account_name']);
textarea_row(_("Comments:"), "Comments", $order->Comments, 31, 5);
hidden('delivery_date', $order->due_date);
} else {
if ($order->trans_type==ST_SALESINVOICE)
$title = _("Delivery Details");
$delname = _("Due Date").':';
elseif ($order->trans_type==ST_CUSTDELIVERY)
$title = _("Invoice Delivery Details");
$delname = _("Invoice before").':';
elseif ($order->trans_type==ST_SALESQUOTE)
$title = _("Quotation Delivery Details");
$delname = _("Valid until").':';
$title = _("Order Delivery Details");
$delname = _("Required Delivery Date").':';
start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width='90%'");
table_section(1);locations_list_row(_("Deliver from Location:"), 'Location', null, false, true, $order->fixed_asset);
if ($order->payment_terms['days_before_due'] == -1)
$Ajax->addUpdate('items_table', 'prep_amount', price_format($order->get_trans_total())); // bind to items_table update
if (!$order->is_started())
amount_row(_("Pre-Payment Required:"), 'prep_amount');
label_row(_("Pre-Payment Required:"), price_format($order->prep_amount), "class='label'");
if (list_updated('Location'))
$Ajax->activate('items_table');date_row($delname, 'delivery_date',
$order->trans_type==ST_SALESORDER ? _('Enter requested day of delivery')
: $order->trans_type==ST_SALESQUOTE ? _('Enter Valid until Date') : '');
text_row(_("Deliver To:"), 'deliver_to', $order->deliver_to, 50, 60,
_('Additional identifier for delivery e.g. name of receiving person'));textarea_row(_("Address:"), 'delivery_address', $order->delivery_address, 35, 5,
_('Delivery address. Default is address of customer branch'));text_row(_("From:"), 'From', $order->From, 40, 40);
table_section(2);text_row(_("Contact Phone Number:"), 'phone', $order->phone, 25, 25,
_('Phone number of ordering person. Defaults to branch phone number'));
text_row(_("Customer Reference:"), 'cust_ref', $order->cust_ref, 25, 25,
_('Customer reference number for this order (if any)'));
textarea_row(_("Comments:"), "Comments", $order->Comments, 31, 5);
shippers_list_row(_("Shipping Company:"), 'ship_via', $order->ship_via);
tried adding custom input field request by but keep getting errors what did i do wrong ?