Topic: Anatomy of adding 1 Supplier

Taking the sql backup diffs between before and after adding a single Supplier, the following sequence of SQL statements are observed (Assumed TB_PREF=3_):

SET @Supplier  := "Finger Chips Intl.";
SET @SuppShort := "FCI";
SET @Contact   := "Jackson";
SET @Phone     := "568974521";
SET @EMail     := "";
SET @Website   := "";
SET @Address   := "Alpha Street,\nGladystown - 654543";
SET @GST       := "8954587411";
SET @DefCurr   := (SELECT `value` FROM `3_sys_prefs` WHERE `name`="curr_default" AND `category`="");
SET @CredAc    := (SELECT `value` FROM `3_sys_prefs` WHERE `name`="creditors_act" AND `category`="glsetup.purchase");
SET @PayDsctAc := (SELECT `value` FROM `3_sys_prefs` WHERE `name`="pyt_discount_act" AND `category`="glsetup.purchase");

INSERT INTO `3_suppliers` VALUES
(NULL, @Supplier, @SuppShort, @Address, '', @Phone, '', '', @Website, '', @DefCurr, '4', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '', @CredAc, @PayDsctAc, '', '0');

INSERT INTO `3_crm_persons` VALUES
(NULL, @SuppShort, @Contact, NULL, @Address, @GST, NULL, NULL, @EMail, NULL, '', '0');

INSERT INTO `3_crm_contacts` VALUES
(NULL, @PersonID, 'supplier', 'general', @SupplierID);

Here, first a Supplier is created.
Then a Person is created.
Finally, this new  Person is assigned to the new Supplier as a Contact.

The above can be useful for bulk importing of suppliers from disparate systems.

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FA243_Add_1_Supplier.sql 1.1 kb, 2 downloads since 2018-03-16 

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