Topic: Seles price same as purchase price

As a governmental institution we have to “sell” items with the same price as they were purchased. How do we automatically assign the sales price the same as the purchase price?

Re: Seles price same as purchase price

We are planning to have an automatic price calculator based on a percent contribution. I cannot promiss when we are implementing this, maybe in 2.2 that are coming later this year.
In your case the factor would be 0% or something like that.

BTW you can always 'hardcode' this, I guess it is in the file /sales/includes/ui/ The default price is calculated somewhere here.
This is, however, not recommended, because when we ship new sub-releases it will override your changes.

Re: Seles price same as purchase price

joe wrote:

We are planning to have an automatic price calculator based on a percent contribution. I cannot promiss when we are implementing this, maybe in 2.2 that are coming later this year.
In your case the factor would be 0% or something like that.

BTW you can always 'hardcode' this, I guess it is in the file /sales/includes/ui/ The default price is calculated somewhere here.
This is, however, not recommended, because when we ship new sub-releases it will override your changes.

Hi Joe,

I think that the setting of this process, solve my problem described under the theme "Index> Items and Inventory» Purchasing and Sales Pricing" with the possibility of press document that accompanies this process, called the Receive paper.

Best regards!