Topic: View_po.php

in this view
i'd like to show long_description instead of item_description .. but it seems that the long description is stored in stock_master table..

is there an easy way to replace this code line 69


so it'd show the long description??


Re: View_po.php

The $stock_item is an element of $purchase_order->line_items. The $purchase_order object gets populated from the function read_po() defined in purchasing/includes/db/ The stock_master table provides only the units field in the sql in the function read_po_items it calls therefrom. Extend it by appending long_description and use it where you want.

Alter line 210 in purchasing/includes/db/po_db.php:

    $sql = "SELECT poline.*, units

to be:

    $sql = "SELECT poline.*, units, long_description

and then use it in the view_po.php file.

Re: View_po.php

Thanks a lot.