Topic: Customer Balances by Dimension
Hi all,
I use the dimension module and all customers are in dimensions. I want to display customer balances by dimensions.
I've added
_('Dimension')." " => 'DIMENSIONS1',
to _('Customer &Balances') in reporting/reports_main.php and have modified the reporting/rep101.php in two areas
$dimension = $_POST['PARAM_5'];
$sql = "SELECT debtor_no, name, curr_code FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master ";
if ($fromcust != ALL_TEXT)
$sql .= "WHERE debtor_no=".db_escape($fromcust);
if ($dimension != 0)
$sql .= " AND dimension_id=".$dimension;// I added this line
$sql .= " ORDER BY name";
$result = db_query($sql, "The customers could not be retrieved");
When I select a dimension and click display, nothing happens - no pdf report. But if I don't select a dimension on the report page, the pdf report displays fine.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.