Topic: Create local module for FA 2.4RC
I am trying to learn how to create module for FA 2.4RC. I just create a really simple one, only add a menu without anything. In my hooks, I write this:
class hooks_mymodule extends hooks {
var $module_name = 'My module';
function install_options($app) {
global $path_to_root;
switch($app->id) {
case 'stock':
$app->add_lapp_function(1, _('My module'),$path_to_root.'/modules/mymodule/mymodule.php', 'SA_ITEM', MENU_MAINTENANCE);
function activate_extension($company, $check_only=true){
function deactivate_extension($company, $check_only=true){
After I tried to activate it, I got this error:
Package mymodule is incompatible with current application version and cannot be activated.
What should I do? I think I don't need to create _init folder to create local extension.