Topic: Setup:Maintenance: Attach Documents


I was curious, how people are using the attach documents function?  Also, just a minor note, but the "Maintanace" is spelled incorrectly on this page.  It should be "Maintenance". 


Re: Setup:Maintenance: Attach Documents

Thanks Courtney. This is for saving scanned copy of external documents like purchase orders and so on. Truly optional.


Re: Setup:Maintenance: Attach Documents

How are these organized?

Is there a way to export/retire old data (let's say 5 years old)?

If this got used for everything it could consume a lot of space fast.

Re: Setup:Maintenance: Attach Documents

Yes, tom but this was on the wish list a year ago and we decided to implement it. One option was to scan supplier invoices. When processing a supplier invoice you are asked if you want to attach a scanned document.
But of course, you should be aware of the spce required.
