Topic: Upload COA.sql

A few years ago I made a Belgian account chart with Frontaccounting 2.3. I did not use FA because of BTW ( VAT) declaration issues. Now I have installed 2.4 beta to test it. How can I install the .sql file of the accounts I made into FA 2.4.

Re: Upload COA.sql

Check to see if your account COA has been updated in the repo. You can do that by selecting Install / Update chart of accounts in the Setup tab from inside 2.4. Look if your COA is there.


Re: Upload COA.sql

joe wrote:

Check to see if your account COA has been updated in the repo. You can do that by selecting Install / Update chart of accounts in the Setup tab from inside 2.4. Look if your COA is there.


2.4 is installed on an a new server. The .sql file with the accounts  is on my hard disk. I downloaded my account chart or made a back up before removing 2.3 but I do not remember . I think it is a backup file? 0_20140513_1449.sql

In setup  Install / Update chart of accounts  I get " cannot download repo index file"  The same remark when trying to update/ install languages.

Re: Upload COA.sql

I used the backup function and restored my accounts into 2.4.  Problem is solved. Also the language settings are ok now.

Have still issues with the time zone settings. I did not change anything. There is nothing to change in line 50 of the config.php and config.default.php file as asked in both warnings. "date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone. in bestand: /hsphere/local/home/a986034/ op regel50"

My timezone is CET Brussels but the server is situated in the US
Time and date used by frontaccounting is correct.

Re: Upload COA.sql

This default is best set in the php.ini to avoid such warnings.