Topic: How to reverse received items?

Could some help?
I Credit a invoice, it come into outstanding order again, but this order cannot cancelled.
Only got this "This item cannot be deleted because some of it has already been received"

"This order cannot be cancelled because some of it has already been received.
The line item quantities may be modified to quantities more than already received. prices cannot be altered for lines that have already been received and quantities cannot be reduced below the quantity already received."

Thanks your comments in advance!

Re: How to reverse received items?

When you issue credit note against invoice, sales order does not come into outstanding orders, because delivered item quantities does not change. The items are delivered and then optionally returned during crediting.
How have you credited the invoice?

Re: How to reverse received items?

I go into "Customer Transactions" and Click the "Credit" Icon from the right hand side.

I still can see this transactions from "Outstanding Purchase Orders Maintenance". Is there any way to fully cancell this one, and reverse the delivery back to suppliers.


Re: How to reverse received items?

Oh, yes, you mean Purchase Transactions Inquiry, not Customer Transactions?
Outstanding Purchase Order Maintenance is in no way related to Customer Transactions.