Topic: FA 2.4 beta installation fix

Attempting to install FA v2.4 (latest current unstable master) will result in the following error:

Call to undefined function cache_invalidate() in D:\WebServers\XAMPP\htdocs\fa24\admin\db\ on line 248


Have informed the devs a few days ago but the fix has not been incorporated yet.

During installation, after filling in the db parameters, on submission, there is an error due to recent inclusion of the function cache_invalidate() in FA 2.4's includes/, without including it in the install/ file.

The fix is to append the following snippet of code to install/

 Ensure file is re-read on next request if php caching is active
function cache_invalidate($filename)
 if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) // OpCode extension

Re: FA 2.4 beta installation fix

This fix has been committed in the FA Repo now.