Topic: New installation and default Admin email address

I am not sure if anyone is aware of this, but, when a new FA company is set up, the default admin email is "". However, the domain "" is already a sold domain. I am just wondering that, if a new FA user is not aware of the immediate need to change her/his admin email, there is the possibility that an email could be sent in error to "".

Would it be better to have the default admin email address be something more like "Please@ChangeThisEmail.address" or "ChangeThis@Admin.EmailAddress" or some "dead" email address where the likelyhood of an email sent in error to "" NOT be sent?

It would not surprise me if the site "" would have a "catch-all email" setup for "*" to catch any stray emails sent to their domain address.


Re: New installation and default Admin email address is the way to go as it cannot be sold.

Re: New installation and default Admin email address

Should this then be suggested as a bug? of request? or, is it just OK to leave this comment here for someone at FrontAccounting to pick up the suggestion and make the change?

I am new to FrontAccounting and am not sure if there is a protocol on how to submit these.


Re: New installation and default Admin email address

The FA Mantis Bug Portal is where it generally goes, but the devs can take it from here as well.