1 (edited by RandomName 06/28/2015 04:40:17 pm)

Topic: How can I define file name format for pdf invoice?

We are almost ready for live use but I can not find any settings for defining how Invoice pdf' files are named.

What we like to see (and our customers are used to) is that invoice file name looks at like this:

Invoice-[Invoice Number]-[Invoice Date].pdf
Date format is dd.mm.yyyy

(we never send out paper invoices, so this is important)

Thank you

Re: How can I define file name format for pdf invoice?

Anyone? We really need to get this sorted out.
Thank you.

Re: How can I define file name format for pdf invoice?

File names for PDFs generated are based on microtime appended to some random hex number for uniqueness so that you do not trip over cached ones. Rename them as you will after download.

Re: How can I define file name format for pdf invoice?

apmuthu wrote:

File names for PDFs generated are based on microtime appended to some random hex number for uniqueness so that you do not trip over cached ones. Rename them as you will after download.

This screws up our workflow. There has to be better way to do it (automated)

While we are at it, I also need to change the invoice number but I think there was a hack for this by editing directly the db.

Re: How can I define file name format for pdf invoice?

Changing the invoice number is available directly in the Setup -> Forms Setup menu.

6 (edited by RandomName 07/04/2015 07:47:42 am)

Re: How can I define file name format for pdf invoice?

apmuthu wrote:

Changing the invoice number is available directly in the Setup -> Forms Setup menu.

Invoice number and invoice file name are currently 2 different numbers. File name is currently a "random" hash and this is the problem for us.
What I need, is to have the invoice number present in file with some static text as, illustrated in my OP:

Invoice-[Invoice Number]-[Invoice Date].pdf


On second thought, after looking at different invoices (bills) we receive, I like the [Issuer-short_name]-[yymmdd]-[Invoice Number].pdf format even better.

Almost nobody sends out paper invoices around here (I am not kidding) and because of this, everything you receive is saved to a file system or to a database. Because of this, invoices are named so they group nicely in filesystem if stored in a catalogue and most importantly are identifiable by human without opening every single file in that catalogue to locate the correct one.

FhNjl3NXEe3b.pdf tells me or anyone else absolutely nothing. It's as meaningless as any random string.

XYZ_Printing-20150704-0115.pdf is another story.
You know its form XYZ-Printing, issued at 2015 07 04, invoice 0115.

Now, if I have 20 of those, guess what, those all group together by issuer name and line up by date in the name.

If I am searching for a invoice sent or received, I can use "XYZ 115" and I have located the correct invoice in my Inbox in a split second.
Good luck with FhNjl3NXEe3b smile

Re: How can I define file name format for pdf invoice?

When you email the invoice from FA to the client, the invoice number is displayed in the email topic as well as the attachment with the "Invoice No. IN-00604"

I save the emails if I want to quickly go back and find one, because I can search client name in the to column or I can search in topic for the invoice number.

when you email invoice a copy is send to BCC address that you have entered in the setup.


Re: How can I define file name format for pdf invoice?

seahawk wrote:

When you email the invoice from FA to the client, the invoice number is displayed in the email topic as well as the attachment with the "Invoice No. IN-00604"

I save the emails if I want to quickly go back and find one, because I can search client name in the to column or I can search in topic for the invoice number.

when you email invoice a copy is send to BCC address that you have entered in the setup.

Can you point me to the right menu, where I can pull up old invoice and e-mail it to my client.  I searched but I can not find it anywhere.

Re: How can I define file name format for pdf invoice?


Sales Tab/ Customer and Sales Reports/ Select Invoices and reprint invoices that you have done.

If you have deleted a financial year after you closed it, then those invoices will be deleted.

