Topic: "Back" link closes windows

When I open Company Setup and click on the Back link at the bottom of the page, the tab in which FA is running closes. I am running FA 2.3.24 with a WAMP called Uniform Server ZeroXI - 11.7.7 on Windows 8.1. This is happening on Google Chrome 43.0.2357.124m. The WAMP is running Apache 2.4.12, MySQL 5.5.44 and PHP 5.4.42.

It also happens on all other screens where a Back link is present.

Any ideas on what the problem can be?

Re: "Back" link closes windows

Maybe this specific browser version problem? Have you tried other browsers?


Re: "Back" link closes windows

It does the same thing using IE 11.0.9600.16518


Re: "Back" link closes windows

If I change the goBack function in utils.js script to look like this:

function goBack(deep) {
     window.history.go(deep || -1);

it seems to work correctly, but I'm a bit worried that that might affect something else.

Please let me know if this will cause a problem.


Re: "Back" link closes windows

The goBack() function looked like this:

function goBack(deep) {
    if (window.opener)
        window.history.go(deep || -1);

before I changed it.


Re: "Back" link closes windows

The code part you have removed is responsible for closing popup windows. In some browsers tabs are used instead of popups, but also in this case the tab should not be closed if it is the last one FA tab in the browser.
Which browers you have tried beside IE ?


Re: "Back" link closes windows

I've tried the following:

Chrome 43.0.2357.124m
IE 11.0.9600.16518
Midori 05.10.32 (portable installation)
SeaMonkey 2.33.1

Chrome and IE - closes the FA tab.
Midori and Seamonkey- nothing happens when clicking the back link


Re: "Back" link closes windows

My apologies. I made a mistake when restoring the code. All 4 browsers do the same thing, the tab closes.
