Topic: balance sheet zero values report

this  is  good work   thanks

my problem is  when i   report  the  trial balance  or  balance sheet   
i have values  in  zero   

i use  the  Arabic Egypt 8 digits COA - GAAP

2 (edited by apmuthu 03/08/2015 03:05:46 pm)

Re: balance sheet zero values report

The Standard en_US-demo.sql running on FA 2.3.22+ on windows localhost provides the attached outputs. Whilst the Balance Sheet report (rep706.php) is displayed with no zeroes, the Trial Balance report (rep708.php) has a filter for with and without zeroes.

Check your Egypt CoA with the standard en_US-demo.sql file for any differences.

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Re: balance sheet zero values report

thank  you  for help
but  where  i can  found  the  differences

4 (edited by apmuthu 03/09/2015 10:21:12 am)

Re: balance sheet zero values report

Use a program like WinMerge on Windows and compare the sql/en_US-new.sql and sql/ar_EG-8digits.sql for differences in schema first.

Also verify that you are using the latest snapshot of FA v2.3.22+.

The said sql/ar_EG-8digits.sql Chart of Accounts has now been updated to synch with the sql/en_US-new.sql in my GitHub Repo. It now has the CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS and DROP TABLE constructs in them. Overwrite your sql/ar_EG-8digits.sql file with the one from my GitHub Repo.

@joe: all FA v2.3.x CoAs should have the same schema in the official pkg repo - otherwise, the "official" and "signed" will have lost "trust".

Re: balance sheet zero values report

my   database  have  transaction   in  it   ,  when i  replace    the  sql  file

is  it   update   automatic
and what happen  to my data

Re: balance sheet zero values report

If you want to synch with the latest en_US-new CoA, then perform the following sql statements selectively based on contents in each table:

DB Schema Synch


ALTER TABLE `0_bank_accounts` CHANGE `bank_account_name` `bank_account_name` varchar(120)  COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after `account_type`;
ALTER TABLE `0_chart_types` CHANGE `name` `name` varchar(120)  COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after `id`;
ALTER TABLE `0_debtor_trans` ADD KEY `order_`(`order_`);
ALTER TABLE `0_purch_orders` 
    CHANGE `total` `total` double   NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after `delivery_address`, 
    CHANGE `tax_included` `tax_included` tinyint(1)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after `total`;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` 
    CHANGE `tax_included` `tax_included` tinyint(1)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after `payment_terms`, 
    CHANGE `dimension_id` `dimension_id` int(11)   NULL DEFAULT 0 after `tax_included`, 
    CHANGE `dimension2_id` `dimension2_id` int(11)   NULL DEFAULT 0 after `dimension_id`, 
    CHANGE `tax_group_id` `tax_group_id` int(11)   NULL after `dimension2_id`, 
    CHANGE `credit_limit` `credit_limit` double   NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after `tax_group_id`, 
    CHANGE `purchase_account` `purchase_account` varchar(15)  COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after `credit_limit`, 
    CHANGE `payable_account` `payable_account` varchar(15)  COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after `purchase_account`, 
    CHANGE `payment_discount_account` `payment_discount_account` varchar(15)  COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after `payable_account`, 
    CHANGE `notes` `notes` tinytext  COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL after `payment_discount_account`, 
    CHANGE `inactive` `inactive` tinyint(1)   NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after `notes`;
ALTER TABLE `0_users` 
    CHANGE `query_size` `query_size` tinyint(1) unsigned   NOT NULL DEFAULT 10 after `last_visit_date`, 
    CHANGE `print_profile` `print_profile` varchar(30)  COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after `pos`;


DB Data Synch


-- Remove Contacts - use for new install only
DELETE FROM `0_crm_contacts`  WHERE 1 ;

-- Remove Persons - use for new install only
DELETE FROM `0_crm_persons`  WHERE 1 ;

INSERT IGNORE INTO `0_fiscal_year` VALUES ('7', '2014-01-01', '2014-12-31', '0');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `0_fiscal_year` VALUES ('8', '2015-01-01', '2015-12-31', '0');

-- Execute for new install only (for others if executed, then all item related records will need to changed if used)
DELETE FROM `0_item_units`  WHERE (`abbr` = 'ea.') ;
INSERT INTO `0_item_units` VALUES ('each', 'Each', '0', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_item_units` VALUES ('hr', 'Hours', '0', '0');

-- FA 2.3.22+ changes days_before_due from 1 to 0
UPDATE `0_payment_terms` SET `days_before_due`='0' WHERE (`terms_indicator` = 4 AND `terms`='Cash Only') ;

-- NULL to blank string
UPDATE `0_print_profiles` SET `report`='' WHERE (`id` BETWEEN 1 AND 3) ;

-- Remove Quick Entries - for new install only
DELETE FROM `0_quick_entries`  WHERE 1 ;

-- areas 526 added for FA 2.3.22+
UPDATE `0_security_roles` SET `areas`='257;258;259;260;513;514;515;516;517;518;519;520;521;522;523;524;525;526;769;770;771;772;773;774;2817;2818;2819;2820;2821;2822;2823;3073;3074;3082;3075;3076;3077;3078;3079;3080;3081;3329;3330;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5377;5633;5634;5635;5636;5637;5641;5638;5639;5640;5889;5890;5891;7937;7938;7939;7940;8193;8194;8195;8196;8197;8449;8450;8451;10497;10753;10754;10755;10756;10757;11009;11010;11011;11012;13057;13313;13314;13315;15617;15618;15619;15620;15621;15622;15623;15624;15628;15625;15626;15627;15873;15874;15875;15876;15877;15878;15879;15880;15883;15881;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132'  WHERE (`id` = 2) ;

UPDATE `0_stock_category` SET `dflt_tax_type`='1', `dflt_units`='hr'  WHERE (`category_id` = 4) ;

INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('bcc_email', '', 'varchar', '100', '');

-- reset `type_no` to 1 as it is no longer used
UPDATE `0_sys_types` SET `type_no`='1' WHERE 1;


The sqls are attached as well.

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