Topic: Wanted FA pro for creating API
Dear forum mebers,
We are looking for FA professional, that capable create API for FA, for intergrating with our document managment system.
FrontAccounting API should provide with the simple accounting and book-keeping functions for remote management of accounts.
The features, which we expect to be developed:
1 - Lists
a) customers with branches (create/modify/get)
b) vendors (create/modify/get)
c) bank accounts (get)
d) items (get)
e) currencies (get)
2 - Sales
a) sales orders (create/modify/get)
b) sales invoices (create/modify/get)
c) customer payments (create/modify/get)
d) customer credit notes (create/modify/get)
3 - Purchase
a) purchase orders (create/modify/get)
b) supplier invoices (create/modify/get)
c) supplier payments (create/modify/get)
d) supplier credit notes (create/modify/get)
4 - Banking
a) bank account transfer (create/modify/get)
b) journal entry (create/modify/get)
The developer should understand the links between tables in database, and to write the code in a way to completely clone queries as they are made using the original web-interface. For example, sales invoices should be connected to sales orders, because it is impossible to create an invoice without a sales order in FrontAccounting.
After development of each API-category we would like to make some test cases to be sure that API provides the same MySQL changes as web-interface for the similar functions!
If your are pro or you know someone who might help us, please leave me a message in PM or email: job"at"
Thanks, Best regards.