Topic: Decimal Point in Item Quantity Field

In setup, display setup, I have it set for 2 decimal places for quantities, but every time I try and enter a quantity with a decimal point it either rounds up or down to a whole number.  Is there a way to fix this?

Re: Decimal Point in Item Quantity Field

What is your decimal character? You see that in the display setup.


Re: Decimal Point in Item Quantity Field

I don't use FA to keep track of products, but I suspect it has something to do with the product's unit of measure.

4 (edited by apmuthu 01/22/2015 09:53:06 am)

Re: Decimal Point in Item Quantity Field

Setup => Display Setup => Decimal Places for Quantity.
Since you already have that setup correctly, it could be some js_cache issue as well. just delete all js files from company/#/js_cache folder and try. Also check the units of measure table for 0_item_units => there is decimals field there.

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Re: Decimal Point in Item Quantity Field

I guess that tm's post should solve the problem.
