1 (edited by apmuthu 12/08/2014 07:36:34 pm)

Topic: contact_name from crm_persons table

The file sales/includes/db/branches_db.inc has the following function:

function get_sql_for_customer_branches()
    $sql = "SELECT "
        ."b.branch_code, "
        ."b.branch_ref, "
        ."b.br_name, "
        ."p.name as contact_name, "
        ."s.salesman_name, "
        ."a.description, "
        ."p.phone, "
        ."p.fax, "
        ."p.email, "
        ."t.name AS tax_group_name, "
        FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch b "
        . "LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."crm_contacts c
            ON c.entity_id=b.branch_code AND c.type='cust_branch' AND c.action='general'
            LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."crm_persons p on c.person_id=p.id,"
            .TB_PREF."areas a, "
            .TB_PREF."salesman s, "
            .TB_PREF."tax_groups t
        WHERE b.tax_group_id=t.id
        AND b.area=a.area_code
        AND b.salesman=s.salesman_code
        AND b.debtor_no = ".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']);

    if (!get_post('show_inactive')) $sql .= " AND !b.inactive";
    $sql .= " GROUP BY b.branch_code ORDER BY branch_ref";

    return $sql;

The above function is called only in sales/manage/customer_branches.php.
The #_cust_branch table already contains a contact_name field that does not seem to be used here in FA now.
The name field from the #_crm_persons table seems be to be the preferred source of Contact Name in FA.

Is this the intended design?
If we now refrain from populating the #_cust_branch table's contact_name field, then it's use in the reports will suffer.

The #_cust_branch.contact_name field is used in rep103.php and rep106.php still in get_customer_details_for_report() in the former and in GetSalesmanTrans() and print_salesman_list() in the latter.