Topic: Tax added to Invoice Total

I've setup Tax to be my localities rate attempted to apply the tax at the branch level but it does not add the tax to the invoice total.

So say I create an invoice for 1 unit at 9.99 to a customer branch that is taxed this is what I get:

Sub-Total is 9.99
Included Ohio Sales Tax (6.5%) 0.61   
Amount Total    9.99   

If I create the same invoice for a customer branch that isn't taxed I get essentially the same thing for the total:

Sub-Total is 9.99
Amount Total    9.99   

What am I doing wrong?

Re: Tax added to Invoice Total

Check that the pricelist you are using is not tax included.


Re: Tax added to Invoice Total

Found it. Thanks.

Re: Tax added to Invoice Total

I am having the same issue, which I'm certain would be corrected, if I could find pricelists... My search has been in vain.

Where will I find pricelists? TIA


Re: Tax added to Invoice Total

Look in Sales tab, Sales Types.


6 (edited by apmuthu 12/05/2014 04:22:47 am)

Re: Tax added to Invoice Total

When using the inventory import module (items export/import) there will be one entry for each item for each Sales Type and by default, since there is Retail and Wholesale, we land up getting two entries for each item if all prices are populated.

Re: Tax added to Invoice Total

Thank you!!