Topic: ASK Codeflow workorder

Where is flow code for workorder when 'add workorder' ? i mean about stock_moves table, where can i find the code when 'add workorder' insert data to stock_moves table? thanks

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

function add_stock_move()

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

apmuthu wrote:

function add_stock_move()

which line sir on work_order_entry.php who call function of add_stock_move from ?

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

In file manufacturing/work_order_entry.php lines 264-266:

    $id = add_work_order($_POST['wo_ref'], $_POST['StockLocation'], input_num('quantity'),
        $_POST['stock_id'],  $_POST['type'], $_POST['date_'],
        $_POST['RequDate'], $_POST['memo_'], input_num('Costs'), $_POST['cr_acc'], input_num('Labour'), $_POST['cr_lab_acc']);

function add_work_order() above is defined in 3 files in manufacturing/includes/db folder =>, and
all of which get added when manufacturing/ is included - this will cause only the first occurrence of the function definition to be taken, viz., from unless the preferred one is included earlier!

Search for the add_stock_move function call in any of them and work your way through.

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

thanks sir, honesty this is my real problem, why this code isnt working? its look like 2 db_query in one function isnt allowed

function add_stock_move($type, $stock_id, $trans_no, $location,
    $date_, $reference, $quantity, $std_cost, $person_id=0, $show_or_hide=1,
    $price=0, $discount_percent=0, $error_msg="")
    $date = date2sql($date_);

    $bomqty = "SELECT bom_quantity from ".TB_PREF."stock_master WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id);
    $result = db_query($bomqty, "Error");
    if (db_num_rows($bomqty)==1)
        $row = db_fetch_row($result)
        return $row[0];
    } $nope = $row[0];
    $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."stock_moves (stock_id, trans_no, type, loc_code,
        tran_date, person_id, reference, qty, standard_cost, visible, price,
        discount_percent) VALUES (".db_escape($stock_id)
        .", ".db_escape($trans_no).", ".db_escape($type)
        .",    ".db_escape($location).", '$date', "
        .db_escape($person_id).", ".db_escape($reference).", "
        .db_escape($quantity).", ".db_escape($std_cost).","
        .db_escape($show_or_hide).", "
        .db_escape($price).", ".db_escape($nope).")";

    if ($error_msg == "")
        $error_msg = "The stock movement record cannot be inserted";

    db_query($sql, $error_msg);

    return db_insert_id();


Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

What version of PHP / MySQL are you using?

Some of the later PHP versions expect that the first $result must be a resultset and not a boolean (false) for the next db_num_rows to work.

Try the function by just displaying the sqls and not executing them and then try to manually execute the sqls in phpmyadmin and you will see the error that arises.

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

Hello Maulana

There is an error in your code.

if (db_num_rows($bomqty)==1)

you should test db_num_rows on $result and NOT $bomqty.


Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

my version is PHP 5.5 and MySQL 5.6, is any problem with that? or should i use another version of XAMPP?

but sir, my screen on work_order_entry.php is blank,its because of two db_query, when i delete db_query, my screen back to normal
and i already change to $result

9 (edited by apmuthu 11/18/2014 11:22:05 am)

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

The variable $nope is just the first record if it passes the initial single record if check when the second sql is attempted. Otherwise if there is only 1 record, the second sql will not be attempted at all. This variable is sought to fill in the discount_percent field.

What are you trying to do?

What happens if there are no results from the first sql? You will be assigning null to a not null field or boolean false to a integer field. The following may work after the initial single record if check fails.

$nope =  ($row[0] ? $row[0] : 0);

10 (edited by maulana 11/18/2014 11:44:58 am)

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

This is the main problem right now, blank. with this problem, i cant even see the form for test a modification code

what i trying to do is make modification about BoM Material, i want to make a BoM can produce more than one product.
so the idea is make additional column in stock_master named bom_quantity, then on add_stock_move function i want to make $quantity * bom_quantity
why i use discount_percent field? it's just a test for make sql statement SELECT for get bom_quantity with the same stock_id

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

Check which statement is causing the blank by commenting out your code block and then working in.

Is your test case passing into the initial if code block at all? If so, it will just return (that's what your code directs)  without doing anything since there is just 1 record.

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

its on db_fetch_row($result) line, is something wrong with that?

for the if code block, i just trying like get_location_name function, i think maybe it works
but before it i try using without if statement and still like this

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

The syntax is correct. The next statement is returning from the function with an array of fields from the first sql instead of an integer that should be the last insert id of the second sql. The calling script is expecting an integer in return.

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

is there any solution? or should i change my idea of this flow?

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

Your flow is wrong.
There must be a stock transfer when you use a BoM to manufacture - whether it is one or more products. In your flow, you are preventing any stock transfer in the second sql if there is only one product - if the $nope is actually one or more products made.

@joe, how is this implemented in FA for now? Should he use kits in manufacture?

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

I haven't been followed this in detail. Please give me som time to have a look. It is easy to produce some wrong code.


Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

@joe: I did not mean this code. I meant:

How is the work flow managed in FA when a single BoM is used to produce a set of products and not just one product.
How does the system handle the stock moves then?

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder


Please set the variable, $go_debug to 1 in config.php to trap any errors.

Immediately I can not find any errors.


Re: ASK Codeflow workorder


It is a bit too complicated to describe the workorder flow here. Let us just assume that the code works in the core.  If you try to modify this, you are often on your own and should have some professional skill in programming.


Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

Just wanted to know if such a feature exists!
And if so, what are the menu click and entry sequences to achieve it.
Not the code behind it.

Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

I can only say, that the BOM is always used as a base when the assembly/manufacturing is done.
When manufacturing, the stock is first handled when you produce the items.


Re: ASK Codeflow workorder

give me some time for make another way to make it big_smile