1 (edited by apmuthu 11/16/2014 11:28:10 am)

Topic: en_US gets deleted even if UTF8 mo is remaining

A default FA install comes with lang/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/en_US.mo file which is UTF-8 encoded. Therefore it must be included in the lang/installed_languages.inc file like:


/* How to make new entries here for non-packaged languages:

-- 'code' should match the name of the directory for the language under \lang
.-- 'name' is the name that will be displayed in the language selection list (in Users and Display Setup)
-- 'rtl' only needs to be set for right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew
-- 'encoding' used in translation file
-- 'version' always set to '' for manually installed languages.
-- 'path' installation path related to FA root (e.g. 'lang/en_US').

$installed_languages = array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'code' => 'C',
    'name' => 'English',
    'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1',
  1 => 
  array (
    'code' => 'en_US',
    'name' => 'English US UTF8',
    'encoding' => 'utf-8',
    'path' => 'lang/en_US',
    'version' => '',

$dflt_lang = 'C';

Now when we install the en_US ISO 8859-1 version from the official repo, the new mo and po files with the version number as part of their filename get into the same folder along with the original en_US UTF-8 encoded file.

Now only the official ISO encoded en_US is available in the language choice drop down boxes.

When we now uninstall the official en_US ISO language, the whole en_US folder gets deleted including the original UTF-8 encoded mo file.

If the original path is changed from en_US to en_US_UTF8 to prevent such deletion, then it does not show up as part of the installed languages!