Topic: Anomaly in payment due date

The following anomaly was noted in Front:

1. Today (7.11.14) I entered a sales invoice dated 31.10.14
2. The customer payment terms are 10 days from invoice which should in theory be from 31.10.14
3. The due date reflected on the invoice says 17.11.14

Unless the customer knows that it was on 7.11.14 that I raised the invoice, it does not make sense that the invoice dated 31.10.14 with payment terms of 10 days is due on 17.11.14.  He would expect to see that it's due on 09.11.14.

Re: Anomaly in payment due date

Strange. This used to work. Will have a look.


Re: Anomaly in payment due date

Mark, this works just fine. You must leave the date field, Before the duedate field is updated.


Re: Anomaly in payment due date

Thanks Joe

I experimented a bit and found that unless I press TAB key to move from the date input then the invoice due date does not change.
So, if I don't press TAB but use my mouse to go to the next input field, like say quantity, then the due date does not change.

These sort of things are important - little anomalies that create different results.

Is it possible to change the due date regardless of whether I press tab or use the mouse?

Getting the right info from the system (overdue invoices in this case) shouldn't be dependent on whether a user presses TAB or uses the mouse to move to the next input field. 


Re: Anomaly in payment due date

I am sorry, but I cannot reproduce this. As soon as the focus is left from the date field, the duedate field is updated despite what way I do it.

I am testing on a 2.3.22 release.


Re: Anomaly in payment due date

Which browser and version and on what platform are you accessing FA from?
Also you can update your install by using the fixes since the release.