1 (edited by kidzstang 10/10/2014 03:11:32 pm)

Topic: Installing a new chart of accounts

I created a new company and the sample data got put into it.  I know that I need to re-install a new chart of accounts and tell the system not to install the data to not have this data installed along with the COA (reading before a problem would be better but it just isn't my way of doing things).

I have made sure that all of the items were checked on the Access Setup screen for System Administrator.

I have also noticed that in the sample company when I select the System Administrator on the Access Setup screen the system will take me to the setup for the System Administrator but when I do this in my new company the system does nothing.  I have to type "System Administrator" in the User field and hit enter before the setup for this user is shown.

In the new company when I'm logged in as admin - the option in Setup to Install and New Chart of Account is greyed out and I cannot select it.

What can I do to get this option available to select?


Would I choose the COA listed as "Default American coa" to get the same COA that was put in during the new company setup?

When I tried to upload a new COA into the default company, the system told me that it "Cannot open the extension setup file ../company/1/installed_extensions.php for writing." 

I looked and saw that I had no such directory - I only have ../company/0 so I suppose that something is all flummoxed here. I could just create that directory ../company/1 and copy all of the components from ../company/0 but is that going to mess up something else further down the road?

I am also confused that the default company (the one that was created when I installed the package) would be looking for ../company/1, should that one not be ../company/0?

I think that I had done something that was probably not planned for - I named the default company "Company1" during installation.  Then renamed it to "Company2" after the install and created a new company named "Company1" - I think that that is where the fly got into the ointment.  I think that the system is confused.

So>.. I think my plan of attack will be as follows:

1) remove the installed FA files and the delete the current database
2) recreate the database - can I call this new database frontacc (the same name as the current database that will be deleted in step 1) or should I pick a new name?
3) reinstall FA

what do you think?


2 (edited by apmuthu 10/11/2014 03:21:37 am)

Re: Installing a new chart of accounts

Yes do that but make sure that the webserver user has write access to the important files and folders (heck, just make it all for now).

Also state what platform you are on - Linux / Windows and and flavour/version, apache, php and mysql versions too wold be handy.

You need to install languages and CoAs from the default company and activate them for the other companies before becoming visible in them (don't forget to activate the extensions/CoAs for the respective companies.

3 (edited by kidzstang 10/11/2014 02:54:43 pm)

Re: Installing a new chart of accounts

I'm running Linux CentOS 5.4
Apache 2.2
Mysql 5.0.77
My entire FA working directory and all of its components has write access for all.

So after more punching around the site I was able to see the error of my ways.

Thanks to you,

Re: Installing a new chart of accounts

php ??

Re: Installing a new chart of accounts

Then I guess I don't know - If I need more help I'll find out.

Thanks again.

6 (edited by apmuthu 10/12/2014 05:33:22 pm)

Re: Installing a new chart of accounts

Make a file with the following contents:

echo phpinfo();

and upload it to your webroot and browse to it - you will get all the server information you need like php version. Remove the file forthwith as it is a security risk if left there.

Find out what your webserver user is and make the webroot files and folders owned by it and make all folders 755 and files 644. That way the world will not be able to write into it.

All system details are at Setup -> Maintenance -> System Diagnostics.