Topic: how to modify customer search box

hi all

i try to modify search field to search using tax_id instead customer id
how to do it


Re: how to modify customer search box

thanks a lot dz smile

Re: how to modify customer search box

Just curious. Is this a common search wish? In that case a candidate for the core?


Re: how to modify customer search box

our company search for customers using tax id
every company have tax id
in individual customer case we can use customer gov. id  in customer tax id  field

Re: how to modify customer search box

Ok, I have sent a request to our chief of development, Janusz.


Re: how to modify customer search box

I will fix this. Janusz suggest that we take the fields, debtor_ref, name and tax_id.

Will also include similar on the supplier side, even if the gst field may not be so frequently used.


Re: how to modify customer search box

This has now been implemented and the repo is updated. You can now search by short name, name or tax id in both customer and supplier lists.

You can download the file,/insludes/ui/ and replace it in the same server folder.


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Re: how to modify customer search box

Mobile number / Phone Number would be useful to integrate with Asterisk / Call Center Agents. The CallerID will then be able to popup the relevant record without manual search intervention!