Topic: customer statement


when i print the customer statement .the invoice nos it shows on the statement are different
than the invoices nos created for a particular customer.
I am using FA 3.1.19
Can anyone share what might be going wrong.



Re: customer statement

Did you setup the Invoice numbers in the setup tab / Form Setup. This will be the number that will be displayed on the statement.  When you issue or email a new invoice, it shows the system process number as allocated for customer invoices in the database. This will be different to the IN-0003 Invoice number depending on you setup.

When you start an old company on the FA system from another accounting system, you would like to continue with your invoice numbers so that you d not have a break between the last number on the old system and the first number on FA. Let's say that your last number on the old system was 999, then the first new number on FA would be set to 1000.

However the process number in the database for Invoice number 1000 will be #1. when you process the first invoice, FA will indicate that you have processed Invoice #1, but it is actually the first invoice in your new FA database, not Invoice number #1. The invoice number will be 1000.

Hope this makes some sense.




Re: customer statement

FA v3.1.19 ?