Topic: How to change power by


Please l'm new to FA, have installed it and working perfectly for me now but l want to ask is there any way to change both  Power by : & Powered by URL to my company's name and url?

Also, on my Invoice Print out down the page l saw this: You can pay through Paypal :¤cy_code=NGN.

Please, how do l remove this so that it will not show on my Inovice?

l will appreciate your help asap.


2 (edited by apmuthu 01/27/2014 11:29:44 am)

Re: How to change power by

Refer wiki config.php settings for first issue.

11.$power_by = "FrontAccounting"; 
Powered by. Don't touch this. 
12.$power_url = ""; 
Powered by URL. Don't touch this. 

The Paypal Link was made prettier in a forum post that you can use to blank out as well.