Topic: Supplier payment fails

Version 2.3.19

I am not sure whether this is the same bugs as mentioned here: It looks different on details.

The problem is this:
Banking -> General Ledger -> Payments
Select Pay to: Supplier
Select a supplier
Enter an amount
Press "Add item"
Process Payment
This error message appears in a red banner:
"The settled amount has to be greater than 0"
(Translated from Dutch, apologies if not literally correct)

Now when I pay to a supplier which is configured for a different currency, an additional entry appears, showing the amount in the foreign currency. Then the transaction does go through.

However, when I then go to Purchases -> Supplier Transactions and I try to retrieve the payment just made, I get a pop-up with this error message:

Databasefout : query for bank transaction
error code : 1305
error message : FUNCTION frontacc.IFNULL does not exist
sql that failed was : SELECT bt.*, act.*, IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount), 
IFNULL (abs(st.ov_amount), bt.amount)) settled_amount, IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount/bt.amount), 
IFNULL (abs(st.ov_amount/bt.amount), 1)) settle_rate, 
IFNULL(debtor.curr_code, IFNULL (supplier.curr_code, act.bank_curr_code)) settle_curr FROM
1_bank_trans bt LEFT JOIN 1_debtor_trans dt ON dt.type=bt.type AND
dt.trans_no=bt.trans_no LEFT JOIN 
1_debtors_master debtor ON debtor.debtor_no = dt.debtor_no 
LEFT JOIN 1_supp_trans st ON st.type=bt.type AND st.trans_no=bt.trans_no 
LEFT JOIN 1_suppliers supplier ON 
supplier.supplier_id = st.supplier_id, 1_bank_accounts act 
WHERE AND bt.type='1' AND bt.trans_no = '7' 
ORDER BY trans_date,

However, in the second case (with the foreign currency) the bank account is credited, so I assume the transaction has been completed.

To be sure it did not have anything to do with the state of the supplier, I created two new suppliers. One in standard currency, one in foreign currency. Except for the currency I left everything default.

I tried it in the on-line training database (2.3.18), which was succesful.

I also downloaded the stable repository hg clone Then I copied the directory /var/lib/vz/repos/mercurial/frontac/default/purchasing/includes/db to the production directory. No changes.

I was a bit reluctant to sync the complete cloned repository with the production directory, although that should be safe I assume. Right? Would it make a difference?


Re: Supplier payment fails


When I went to Purchases -> Payments for Suppliers and tried to make a payment for an invoice I just received, this failed. No error message, just nothing happened.

When I restored the directory /var/www/account/purchasing/includes/db to the state it had after installing the stable version the same action was successful.

If I complicated thing by updating only the directory /var/www/account/purchasing/includes/db to the repository clone, my apologies. On the other hand it might indicate a regression error.

The original problem as posted in the first post remains the same, regardless of the state of the /var/www/account/purchasing/includes/db directory.


3 (edited by apmuthu 01/03/2014 07:48:52 pm)

Re: Supplier payment fails

In the purchasing/includes/db folder, the two files:
have changed.

Also some small changes in sql cleanup have not been (fully) included in the official hg repo as yet like

You can try the FA core from my unofficial github repo and let me know if it gets clarified.

Verify that the function get_bank_trans() at lines 66 to 91 in gl/includes/db/ is like:

function get_bank_trans($type, $trans_no=null, $person_type_id=null, $person_id=null)
    $sql = "SELECT bt.*, act.*,
        IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount), IFNULL(ABS(st.ov_amount), bt.amount)) AS settled_amount,
        IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount/bt.amount), IFNULL(ABS(st.ov_amount/bt.amount), 1)) AS settle_rate,
        IFNULL(debtor.curr_code, IFNULL(supplier.curr_code, act.bank_curr_code)) AS settle_curr

        FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_trans bt
                LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans dt ON dt.type=bt.type AND dt.trans_no=bt.trans_no
                LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtors_master debtor ON debtor.debtor_no = dt.debtor_no
                LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."supp_trans st ON st.type=bt.type AND st.trans_no=bt.trans_no
                LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."suppliers supplier ON supplier.supplier_id = st.supplier_id
                LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts act ON = bt.bank_act
        WHERE  1 ";
    if ($type != null)
        $sql .= " AND bt.type=".db_escape($type);
    if ($trans_no != null)
        $sql .= " AND bt.trans_no = ".db_escape($trans_no);
    if ($person_type_id != null)
        $sql .= " AND bt.person_type_id = ".db_escape($person_type_id);
    if ($person_id != null)
        $sql .= " AND bt.person_id = ".db_escape($person_id);
    $sql .= " ORDER BY bt.trans_date,";

    return db_query($sql, "query for bank transaction");

Re: Supplier payment fails

Hi Apmuthu,

I downloaded and copied the complete core into my test directory.

The 2 issues in the first post are solved.
The one issue in the second post as well.

I can also confirm that the file contents of is as listed in your post.

Thanks a lot!


Re: Supplier payment fails

Joe/Janusz, now the rest of the changes in my commits can be incorporated into the FA hg repo now that confirmation is available.