Topic: Missing system locale: nl_NL.iso-8859-1

Hello all,

I am trying to use the Dutch translation for FA. Version 2.3.19.-1
I downloaded the Dutch translation files and installed them in the lang/ directory.
I have activated the Dutch language and set it to default in Setup -> Install languages
In User Acct setup I have set the language to Dutch for the current user.
In Display Setup I have set the language to Dutch.
These are the installed locales on my machine:


This is the contents of the file
$installed_languages = array (
  0 =>
  array (
    'code' => 'C',
    'name' => 'English',
    'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
  1 =>
  array (
    'name' => 'Dutch',
    'package' => 'nl_NL',
    'code' => 'nl_NL',
    'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1',
    'version' => '2.3.19-1',
    'path' => 'lang/nl_NL',

$dflt_lang = 'nl_NL';

But still I have the error message as mentioned in the title in the System Diagnostics.

The UI language is English, but sometimes when switching from one tab to the next it suddenly becomes Dutch. Then at another clicking action it reverts back to English. I have not been able to find a pattern in this behaviour. Obviously the error message about the missing locale should be solved first.

I am a bit worried about the required locale nl_NL.iso-8859-1 and the reported locale nl_NL.iso88591. This reporting seems to be current now on Debian, *buntu and Mint systems.

Where should I take it from here?

Debian Wheezy
MySQL 5.5
PHP 5.4.4
FA 2.3.19


Re: Missing system locale: nl_NL.iso-8859-1

Guess what. I had to reboot the server and the problem is gone. It is working now.
I am not sure restarting the complete server is needed, maybe restarting mysql would have been sufficient.


Re: Missing system locale: nl_NL.iso-8859-1

Clearing the server and browser cache could well have had the same effect or atleast a restart of the webserver process. Hope you have your locale installed as well.

Re: Missing system locale: nl_NL.iso-8859-1

apmuthu wrote:

Clearing the server and browser cache could well have had the same effect or atleast a restart of the webserver process. Hope you have your locale installed as well.

With the next installation I will track accurately what exactly I have to restart in order to make FA recognize the locale. So I can report back for the next users with this problem.

Obviously the the locale was installed as stated in the original post. But the locale command reported locale names without dashes. I wonder whether that is a bug.Anyway, FA and underlying mechanisms seem not to suffer.
