Topic: How to remove balances from the training company installed by default

I have installed FrontAccounting 2.3.19 and there is a balance carried forward form earlier years and there are some dummy updates that seems to be part of the installation. I tried making a new Company but it also came up with an opening balance and old fiscal years.
Is there any solution for this matter? Now the company by default it appears as a "training set up".
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Thank you!

Re: How to remove balances from the training company installed by default

When you create a new Company, please select the en_US-new.sql chart of accounts (COA). This is rater empty and should be fit for you.

If you want to use a newly created Company, then you could upload the en_US-new.sql to your Company and make a restore from this en en_US-new.sql COA script.

Then you should be up and running. How to further setup the Company, please read


Re: How to remove balances from the training company installed by default

Thans for your answer. But "en_US-new.sql" doesn't appear in my list of COA. The similar files are:

- English Canadian COA - General

- British COA

- General 4 digit COA for new company in US

- 5 digit American general coa

- 8 digit GAAP compatible American chart of accounts

- 5 digit American coa wit educational data

- Default American coa (5 digits)

- US COA for a nonprofit company

- US chart of accounts for service company.

Do I have to choose the file that best suits to my company profile?

Re: How to remove balances from the training company installed by default

These COAs should all be free of transactions, so you can use them with smaller adjustments.


Re: How to remove balances from the training company installed by default

Thank you Joe, it works fine for now.

Best regards,
