Topic: Direct Invoice: Page Numbering and Editing

FrontAccounting 2.3.16 Build 08.05.2013
Theme: default
Mac OS 10.8.4 with
PHP  5.4.15
MySQL 5.6.10

Direct Invoice: Page Numbering and Editing

Q1: Many of my Direct Invoices extend over multiple pages, sometimes up to four pages. I need to number the pages as "Page 1 of n" or similar.

Q2: Would it be possible to allow the System Administrator to edit all data in a recently entered Direct Invoice ? I know that some data can be edited - Date, Description, Quantity, Shipping Cost and Memo but I really need to be able to edit all parameters including Item Code, Price, Branch etc. It's just that some of my invoices take a long time to enter as they contain many line items and many pages, If I make one single typo error on  price that is detected only after the invoice has been entered then I have to re-enter the whole invoice again from the beginning. I am the only person that uses the system so there is no security risk.



Re: Direct Invoice: Page Numbering and Editing

I agree with the page number, that would be really handy.

About the editing, even though it might be handy, I don't think it's legal in most country to be able to edit an invoice : editing it would allow you to easily dodge taxes.

However, if you make that many mistake have a look at the textcart module, it allows you to import order/dispatch/invoice from an excel spreasheet. You might be more confortable writting the whole invoice on excel and the importing it.

About the dispatching (I have also lots of big order to dispatch ) and I use to make lots of mistake , I have another module which allow you to pre-select part of an order to picked and then only quantity "picked" would be dispatchable. Let me know if you are interested.


Re: Direct Invoice: Page Numbering and Editing

Hi Elax,

Thanks for the prompt reply. I will try the TextCart Module, I understand it is in the FrontAccounting Package Repository but how do I access the Repository? I looked in SourceForge but could not see it there.

Regarding the page numbering of sales invoices my workaround is to edit the sales invoice PDF's using Adobe Acrobat CS6 , it allows me to add page numbering in the format "Page 1 of n" however it is a time consuming process so I hope someone can come up with a patch to the PDF creation files in FA.



Re: Direct Invoice: Page Numbering and Editing

The FA package repository is available directly from FA, go to Setup -> install/activate extension, and you should be able to download it from here. Don't forget, once downloaded to activave it (switch the select box on top of the install page to 'activate').

The version on the FA repo might not the up-to-date one, let me know if you encounter any difficulties.


Re: Direct Invoice: Page Numbering and Editing

Hi Elax,

I have now installed and activated TextCart 2.3.9-3 but now need your guidance again, as I cant seem to find a reference to it in any of the menu's ? In System Diagnostics the Extensions System is "OK" in green.

I hope to use it by first entering all the Sales Invoice details into Excel then, after carefully checking everything for typos, to upload the excel file into the Direct Invoice area. The details I need to enter are:

Item Code
Item Description
Customer Reference

I do not use Sales Quotations or Sales Orders, it's a very simple setup, just Direct Invoices.


Re: Direct Invoice: Page Numbering and Editing

Hi Andrew

There is no menu or link to textcart, neither you need to add all the order information (customer, branch etc ).
Instead, go to the normal order/invoice/dispatch (whatever) page and you should find a textcart tab. This will replace the standard UI by a textbox from which you can copy/paste from/to Excel (or any text editor).

I strongly sugest that you read the doc there.


Re: Direct Invoice: Page Numbering and Editing

Thanks Elax, it's working fine now and the format was easy to understand. I am using the OpenOffice spreadsheet in Mountain Lion. I can see that it will save me time as the spreadsheet allows a lot of flexibility, especially if I use the TextCart templating system.

Being able to construct a large invoice over a period of time and to save it to disk in stages is a great help to me, whereas before with the FA Direct Invoice I had to enter the complete invoice in one session, as it could only be saved at the very end of the process.



Re: Direct Invoice: Page Numbering and Editing

Glad you like it :-)

I did it  mainly because I was managing massive purchase orders (over 20 pages) and the actual GUI wasn't just working (really time consuming , prone to error and sometime couldn't save it because the session expired in between).

Anyway, if you have any question or need help about the templating system, don't hesitate (but please ask in a separate thread), the doc is not necessarily up to date so the templating system can do much more than the example I gave in the doc.
