Topic: Wrong parameter count for session_set_cookie_params()

hi everybody.
i install FA on a cent os 5.8 VPS that i manually config the LAMP on it.
but when i login to FA there is red warning bar on top of the all pages that says: Wrong parameter count for session_set_cookie_params() in file: /var/www/html/includes/ at line 25.
see the screen shot below :
i really don't know is there any problem in php settings or php modules ?
please help me.

Re: Wrong parameter count for session_set_cookie_params()

Please tell us which version of FA you are using, as well as the php version.


Re: Wrong parameter count for session_set_cookie_params()

php : 5.1.6
my sql : 5.0.96
apache 2.2.3 on CentOS
FA version : 2.3.16

Re: Wrong parameter count for session_set_cookie_params()

The last parameter in function session_set_cookie_params in only available from php version 5.2. Please update to this version, because this last parameter is mandatory for setting new sessions safely.


5 (edited by reza.ariaee 06/21/2013 10:01:28 pm)

Re: Wrong parameter count for session_set_cookie_params()

thanks man. it solved.
something else . i use arabic language in FA. when i try to print a report in PDF format (as usual) i get this error :
TCPDF error: Could not include font definition file: ae_tholoth.php
i dont know that i have a font missing in my server or in FA?!?!?!
tell me what to do please. thanks big_smile

Re: Wrong parameter count for session_set_cookie_params()

This font can be downloaded from page:
Please follow the instructions and copy the font files into /reporting/fonts .
