Topic: for my sales points & head office

i have small business with 6 or more sales points in various areas. i want to set up front accounting chart for every sales point but i just want sales point accountants can only use or access the sales accounting chart form his sales point only. he can't access any other options of the chart of accounts from his area.
& the head office adminastrator can access everything even every sales point infromation at a time.
is this posible? how can i do this?

2 (edited by apmuthu 06/16/2014 04:10:26 am)

Re: for my sales points & head office

Creatively using FA as different "company" instances using the same db tables but only a subset as views named using a different prefixes may be an "involved" solution...... and suppressing the ability to add records of a master nature in user instances.