Topic: How to add a document attachment after GL entry made?

I entered a complicated, 19-item GL entry but forgot to add an attachment document at the time.  I would like to go back and add the document attachment now, but there seems to be no menu I can find that permits this operation.  Of course, I could void and re-enter the whole transaction again, but that would be a real pain.  It seems like a trivial step to provide a capability of later additions of a document attachment, but I am unable to discover how to do this.  Guidance?

Re: How to add a document attachment after GL entry made?

attaching documents can be done by the setup-attach documents screen (also after creating the journal entry). select "journal entry" from the dropdown list, enter the JE transaction reference, document description and select the attachment you would like to attach.

if the setup-attach documents screen is not accessible, please check if the current user is authorized for this operation in the setp-access setup screen.

Re: How to add a document attachment after GL entry made?

Found it, Setup > Attach Document.  I guess I was looking in the GL menus.  Thanks.