Topic: Question about Variables
As I've been looking over the coding for FA, I frequently find myself wondering where the variables are coming from. For example:
$_POST['qty'] = number_format2($order->line_items[$id]->qty_dispatched, $dec);
$_POST['price'] = price_format($order->line_items[$id]->price);
$_POST['Disc'] = percent_format($order->line_items[$id]->discount_percent*100);
In this snippet, where is the 'qty' or 'price' or 'Disc' coming from? Is that a reference to another array or to the database?
If it is a reference to an array, where are the items of that array defined (as in what file)? I am trying to change the line items and it's hard to know what each line item relies on in order to exist.
Thanks in advance for your help!