Topic: Changing Fiscal year from phpmyadmin

Hi, I have been using FA for a while now, my current fiscal year is set to
19/05/2011 to 31/12/2011        
01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012

I have keyed in all transactions from 19/05/2011 to 31/07/2012

Now, i would like to change fiscal year to:
19/05/2011 to 31/05/2012
01/06/2012 to 31/05/2013

If i delete an make new fiscal year, "All transactions are deleted and converted into relevant balances.", which is what i don't want.

I'm wondering if i change the fiscal year from phpmyadmin, will i have any issue with the transactions i have already keyed in,  balance sheet, profit & loss reports?

Re: Changing Fiscal year from phpmyadmin

No, I guess not.
The check on the fiscal year is for safety so you don't end up with some hole in the years.


Re: Changing Fiscal year from phpmyadmin

Just tested it, it looks like everything is fine