I think "closing a year" should give option (2) whatever the checkbox is marked or not. I'm not saying in the general case but
in Brought forward columns, when I am on the first day of the fiscal year.
Moreover, I'm not saying that the 'brought forward' column should only show the balance and don't have a debit and credit column.
What I mean is the part corresponding to the previous fiscal year should be "balanced".
Basically, if I look at my current bank account (for example), what I need to see in the brought forward is the closing balance of this account.
As example seems to be useless I'll give you the pseudo code which I think should be :
rather than displaying :
balance(begin, from)["debit"] | balance(begin,from)["credit"]
The trial balance should display something like
balance(begin, from)["debit"] - opening_balance | balance(begin,from)["credit"] -opening_balance
with opening_balance = balance('000, begin)["debit"] - balance(000, begin)["credit"]
(Once again, it's pseudo code but I hope you get the idea)