Topic: supplier payment in foreign currency

When I enter a purchase order for a supplier in my default currency (GBP), I can then receive, process the invoice and pay the supplier.
On the payment screen (Payments->Supplier Payment Entry), the outstanding bill is shown as 'Supplier Invoice' along with the amount to allocate.
I can then just click the 'All' link to pay the bill amount.

If I do the same process with a supplier in a different currency (I've tried it with EUR and USD), the payment screen does not show any outstanding bill.

It could be that I've missed a setting or does this sound like a bug?
I have set $go_debug to 1 in config.php when I go through the process and saw no error messages.

Is there anything else I can try to get this working?

Re: supplier payment in foreign currency

1. Make the payment in the currency you want without allocating.
2. Go into allocate payments and do your allocations..


Re: supplier payment in foreign currency

Thanks Joe, that works smile
Is this normal behaviour for foreign currency purchases? It would be nice if they behaved in the same way as default currency purchases.

I was reading other threads and thought this guy may have been having the same porblem...

Re: supplier payment in foreign currency

The allocation done when using the Payment in the sama currency as the bank-account was extended a while ago. Having this in the Payment form for other currencies than the bank-account currency is quite complex. This is the reason for not having this in the payment form.
