Topic: Fatal error: Call to undefined function user_company()


I have a problem when i try to install FA on my web server.

Version : 2.3.4
PHP : 5.1.2

I copy all files on web server, and i receive the following message, and the install page don't appear:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function user_company() in /var/www/html/frontaccounting/includes/ on line 21

I've no problem on my local server, installation is ok, and FA is running correctly.

Any ideas about this?

I've seen this post, this is exactly my problem, I ve try to reinstall all files but without any success...

Thanks for your support


Re: Fatal error: Call to undefined function user_company()

There is no call to user_company() function at line 21 of current_user, so you probably have broken this file.

Re: Fatal error: Call to undefined function user_company()


Thanks for reply.

I don't modified or edited this file...
This is very strange because, i have copy frontaccounting (exactly the same files!) to an another hosting company, and the installation is well done.

I think problem is more to PHP side? Maybe the version? Frontaccouting is compatabile with 5.1.2? Or maybe some parameters?
With 5.2.13, I have no problem.

Well, I don't understand where the problem is, but I'm sure it's a PHP problem



Re: Fatal error: Call to undefined function user_company()

Hello again,

I just installed PHP 5.2.6 and all is perfect! Without any manipulation on fa files.
Then... I think fa 2.3.4 don't like PHP 5.1.2....
