1 (edited by kiang 04/27/2008 03:54:40 pm)

Topic: 2.0 beta, language template is outdated ...

I found the language template is not up to date. And there seems some problems in source:

find . -type f -iname "*.php" | xgettext -o test.po -j -L PHP -f -
find . -type f -iname "*.inc" | xgettext -o test.po -j -L PHP -f -

./sales/customer_delivery.php:119: internationalized messages should not contain the ‘\r’ escape sequence
./sales/customer_invoice.php:118: internationalized messages should not contain the ‘\r’ escape sequence
./sales/inquiry/sales_deliveries_view.php:68: internationalized messages should not contain the ‘\r’ escape sequence

Re: 2.0 beta, language template is outdated ...

The language files for 2.0 is located on SourceForge, Download.
When using poEdit for extracting the texts it converts these text to ...\n \t\t ...
No carriage returns only new lines and tabs. There is an empty 2.0 PO file here too.


Re: 2.0 beta, language template is outdated ...

It would be better to put it in the program file...I was started with the empty.po in lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES ...^^||

I'm using Ubuntu 8.04. The messages were brought from standard command in linux.